Non-Traditional And Unafraid

Since making the decision to return to college as a non-traditional student, I haven’t felt anxiety or fear. My history in education includes Dean’s List performance, so I’m not concerned about my ability to achieve and the college I’ll be attending has a very high percentage of non-traditional students, meaning I won’t feel out of place. Living on campus will allow me to save money and the fact that I don’t work will eliminate any scheduling problems. In short, I’m lucky.

Many non-traditional students don’t have it as easy as I do. They have busy families, demanding jobs, and other expectations that they must meet in addition to taking on the added stress of courses. I can’t imagine the strength they have, taking on so much in order to provide a better life for themselves and those they love. They have my admiration.

Fortunately, as the number of non-traditional students across the country rises, colleges and universities are responding, creating programs designed to aid students who don’t fit the traditional role as they pursue their degrees. Through Non-Traditional Student Services, more and more colleges and universities are making a return to education less confusing and frightening and more exciting for those who seek to improve their lives.

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